Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Little Easter and a Panic Attack

The last few weeks our family took turns being sick. Mollie had the flu and then Allie and Scott got it. Allie had it the worst of all. We are still helping her adjust to eating regular food again! She has had an issue with keeping meals down since she was born so it seems recovering from the flu is especially hard on her. We are now on the road to recovery!

This is the best picture I got of Allie and Mollie on Easter. Allie had a week in "jammas."

We still wanted Mollie to have a fun Easter even though our plans changed and we stayed home. We were given a gingerbread house kit before Christmas and I never got around to doing it with the girls. I have been spending time with Mollie in making a Spring House. She's enjoying it!
When I take Mollie shopping and she tries on dresses in a changing room, one of the tests she puts it through is if it's "spinny" enough. Such a girl.

Yesterday while I was in the car I looked in my wallet and discovered ALL my cards, including my driver's license, had been removed! Quickly I went through a panicked "where was I last??" Once I got home I realized I had just been out the previous evening and everything was intact. So I knew a certain little someone who loves to take my wallet apart got her hands on it. And after a call to my husband who I knew couldn't help me look while he was at work I got thirsty and went for some cold water. And look what I found...
Allie had taken the contents of my wallet and lined it up between the doors on the fridge. Not the first time she's done it. But I've always watched her do it before and it had been so long since she had done this trick it completely escaped my mind to check the refrigerator for my cards!!