From what I have seen online our little mystery bug question is a noctuid moth or a sphinx moth pupa. It is really hard to tell what it is exactly without hatching it out first. If we find more maybe we will take that step.
Celebrating 14 years of marriage and life with our two girls!
The Things Kids Say
TRUE CALIFORNIAN It's dinner time right now and Mollie is asking questions about Mother Nature and Father Time. As things progressed Scott brought up that in nature there are positive and negative things that happen.
Mollie - Like what? Scott - Well, what do lions eat? Mollie - Meat! Scott - What kind of meat? Mollie - Animal meat. Scott - Is that good for the animal? Mollie - No. Mom - But it's good for the lion. Scott - What about floods? Mollie - No. (not good) Scott - Forest fires... Mollie- No. Scott - Earthquakes... Mollie - Well, those aren't so bad.