Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy Weekend

June is always a busy month for our fmaily with birthdays and Father's Day. And there is usually something else thrown in like a wedding or graduation. This year it was Mollie finishing preschool and a park afternoon with school friends (Friday) and a dance recital (Saturday afternoon) and an overnight camp out in a friend's backyard (Saturday after dance) then a Father's Day celebration (Sunday).

Barbara decorating her birthday cake with the grandkids last week. Both girls had croup and this activity was about all the fun they could handle.
Mollie's class getting ready to perform "Lollipop."

We all had a fun time with the camp out this weekend. We had delicious food, the girls had a wonderful time with their little friends, us grown ups had a super visit. We let the girls stay up late and then at the crack of dawn (5:45am!) they were up again ready to go. After more fun with our friends we headed to Scott's parents' home for a bbq lunch and spent the whole day with them. Very busy weekend but so fun!! Thank you to Nikki and Rehman and girls for opening your home and the fantastic food and all the fun. It's so great to have you back in town again!