Monday, November 26, 2007
One evening we were watching television and there was a short thing on Noggin about the Hot Peas 'N Butter band and their involvement with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Mollie paid close attention and wanted to know more about the hospital and the children that go there for help. She also picked up from the television that kids can be in trike-a-thons to help. She was so excited about wanting to help the sick children and doing one of these events. So Scott and I seized the opportunity and "helped" her organize the event. St Jude provided all the materials and Calvary Church provided the location. There were 7 kids total. Altogether they rode 157 laps and raised nearly $700 for the hospital. I'm glad she has seen us giving in different ways and realizes she can give in her own ways too. Already she is looking forward to coordinating another trike-a-thon. Maybe next year...
Ready at the starting line. left to right: Noah, Tyler, Caleb, Mollie, Grant and Amber-May. Allie was still on the side line on her own schedule.